
Sunday. 14 February, 2021 - Saturday. 20 February, 2021
Monday. 15 February, 2021
5:30 pm

Certification Info Feb 2021

Virtual Event

Project Managers interested in obtaining information on PMI's certification programs are welcome to attend the Monthly Certification Information Meeting. Its intent is to provide an understanding of the application process, exam content and structure, exam environment and available tudy resources.

Tuesday. 16 February, 2021
7:30 am

PM Breakfast Meeting - Cupertino - Feb 2021

Virtual Event

When:  16 February 2021, 7:30 am-9:00 am

Where:  Virtual Event

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 236 389 3643

One tap mobile

+16699009128,,2363893643# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,2363893643# US (Houston)

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

Meeting ID: 236 389 3643

Find your local number: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing


Monthly the chapter holds seven geographically dispersed (Project Management) PM Breakfast Meetings in San Francisco's Peninsula, South Bay and East Bay. Each of these is a small gathering (10 to 15) project managers for a discussion of the current PM environment, sharing of information, and brainstorming of current challenges. The meeting's agenda is the topics brought by the attendees. Every meeting is facilitated by a chapter volunteer.

This is a facilitated roundtable discussion on agenda topics solicited from the attendees during introductions. The intent of the meeting is to promote an informal gathering of a dozen project managers to discuss current topics in the profession, receive suggestions from the other attendees on current project challenges, or share/receive information on items of interest.

These meetings are open to anyone who is interested.

The only cost is what you order form the menu, separate checks.


Meeting Leader:  Bobby Wen  
Is a PMP certified project manager, specializing in high availability multi-tier systems.  He runs e-commerce sites, warehouse management system and electronic medical records, ensuring they operate 24x7x365 in a regulatory compliant manner.  He has installed and managed PCI, MasterCard, AmEx, HIPA, DSS and SOX compliant systems .  Bobby has two engineering degrees and an MBA, and has hosted the PMISV life sciences group, San Bruno Happy Hour and Cupertino Breakfast.


About Monthly Breakfast Meetings: The PMISV Chapter hosts geographically dispersed Breakfast Meetings in San Francisco's Peninsula, South Bay and East Bay regions. Each meeting is a small gathering of project managers for a discussion of the current career environment, sharing of information and brainstorming on current challenges. The meeting's agenda is the topics brought by the attendees. Every meeting is facilitated by a Chapter Volunteer.

These breakfast & group events around the Bay Area are to support chapter members and the project management community. The chapter encourages professionals to attend and participate by bringing their questions and issues to their colleagues.


PDU Info:   1.5 - Category "Education - Informal Learning" - PDU claiming instructions


Program Agenda:
7:30 AM - Program Begins
9:00 AM - Adjourn

Food: The only cost is what you order from the menu. Separate checks.

Registration: The registration is FREE for anyone interested. Walk-in welcome. Please register online in advance to help the Meeting Leader plan and arrange seats.

6:00 pm

PM Insights Foster City Virtual Meeting: Managing Conflict Dynamics: What is under the surface?


PM Insights Foster City - 

Managing Conflict Dynamics: What is under the surface?



When:   Tue, February 16, 2021  6:00pm-8:00pm 
Where:  Virtual Meeting (Registrants will receive joining details from Meeting Leader on the Same Day of event. Zoom meeting link will be emailed to the email address provided during event registration, so please make sure to enter correct email address. For the people who have multiple email accounts, please make sure to check the email account used during registration. Thank you! ) 
 Last Date for On-line Registration is Mon, Feb 15, 2021 

Conflict is associated with significant cost to organizations. In the study of employees from nine countries, the average number of hours spent per week on workplace conflict varied from 0.9 to 3.3 hours. In the United States, the average was 2.8 hours.  The calculated expense based on average hourly earnings in 2008 was $359 billion in lost time. Frequent causes of conflict include lack of clarity with expectations or guidelines, poor communication, lack of clear jurisdiction, personality differences, conflicts of interest, and changes within the organization. Add to it the civil discomfort due to lack of diversity, equity and inclusion in our organizations, community, and relationships. These underlying triggers can also be a catalyst for disharmony and conflict on an individual and organizational level eroding the psychological safety. While conflict cannot be avoided, team members need to manage the insecurity and unpredictability created in these situations when working together in teams while apart in their own microcosm. 

Managing conflict is difficult because there are feelings involved. Expressing emotions is risky, however. Thus, many people try to manage conflict in ways that ignore their emotional content. Unexpressed feelings can leak back into conversation and can preoccupy people so that they are unable to be good listeners. The solution is for the parties to identify and understand their feelings, negotiate them, and share them clearly. I personally had a breakthrough when I studied and implemented mindfulness-based practices as a way of life and introduced emotional intelligence toolkit to influence the way people overcome conflict, reach agreement, and create value. These practices have a profound impact on both professional and personal life, as well as our mental and physical well-being.

Thursday. 18 February, 2021
6:30 pm
Friday. 19 February, 2021
7:30 am