PM Insight Sunnyvale

PM Insight Sunnyvale

Does your organization strive to achieve laser focus on planning the right set of projects and delivering at a predictable pace? Do you want to learn from the successes (and failures) of Extreme Agile Implementation at a Corporate to attain a sustainable business model? Then hope isn’t a plan! It takes more than a year to get in to a regular rhythm with about 1,000 people interacting with the model. If you want to learn directly from the people who’ve made it work, this session is for you.

Event Date 02-15-2018 6:15 pm
Event End Date 02-15-2018 8:30 pm
Cut off date 02-13-2018 11:55 pm
Individual Price $ 20.00 (Login to get Member discount)
Location Innoworld

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Event Date 03-14-2018 5:30 pm
Event End Date 03-14-2018 8:30 pm
Cut off date 03-12-2018 11:55 pm
Individual Price Login for member discount.
Location Innoworld

We are no longer accepting registration for this event



Event Date 04-11-2018 5:30 pm
Event End Date 04-11-2018 8:30 pm
Cut off date 04-09-2018 11:55 pm
Individual Price Login for member discount.
Location Sunnyvale Community Center, Ballroom

We are no longer accepting registration for this event