PMI – Silicon Valley Chapter


Version: 2020

Approved Date: xx/xx/2020

Effective Date: xx/xx/2020

Expiration Date: None

Document Approval and Version History


Approved Date


Version 2020



Version 2017



Version 2009



Version 2001


Initial Bylaws established; effective with incorporation date: 01/01/2001


Article I – Name, Principal Office; Other Offices

Section 1.  Name/Non-Profit Incorporation

This organization shall be called the Project Management Institute – Silicon Valley Chapter, Inc.  (hereinafter “PMI-SV”).  This organization is a chapter chartered by the Project Management Institute, Inc. (hereinafter “PMI”) and separately incorporated as a nonprofit, tax exempt 501(c)(6) corporation, organized under      California’s Non-profit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law. 

Section 2.  PMI-SV shall meet all legal requirements in the jurisdiction(s) in which PMI-SV conducts business and is incorporated.

Section 3.  Principal Office

The center of operations for PMI-SV shall be located within the region of the southern end of the San Francisco Bay (commonly known as, Silicon Valley) in the state of California, USA, as designated by PMI-SV Board of Directors (hereafter “the Board”).

Article II – Relationship to PMI

Section 1.  PMI-SV is responsible to the duly elected PMI Board of Directors and is subject to all PMI policies, procedures, rules and directives lawfully adopted.

Section 2.  The bylaws of PMI-SV may not conflict with the current PMI Bylaws and all policies, procedures, rules or directives established or authorized by PMI as well as PMI-SV’s Charter with PMI.

Section 3.  The terms of the Charter executed between PMI-SV and PMI, including all restrictions and prohibitions, shall take precedence over these Bylaws and other authority granted hereunder and in the event of a conflict between the terms of the Charter and the terms of these Bylaws, PMI-SV shall be governed by and adhere to the terms of the Charter.

Article III – Purpose and Limitations of PMI-SV

Section 1.  Purpose of PMI-SV

  • General Purpose. PMI-SV has been founded as nonprofit; tax exempt corporation chartered by PMI, and is dedicated to advancing the practice, science, and profession of project management in a conscious and proactive manner.
  • Specific Purposes. Consistent with the terms of the Charter executed between PMI-SV and PMI and these Bylaws, the purposes of PMI-SV shall include the following:
  • To foster professionalism in the management of projects.
  • To contribute to the quality and scope of project management.
  • To stimulate appropriate global application of project management for the benefit of public.
  • To provide a recognized forum for the free exchange of ideas, applications, and solutions to project management issues among its members, and others interested and involved in project management.
  • To identify and promote the fundamentals of project management and advance the body of knowledge for managing projects successfully.
  • To provide practitioner-based educational seminars and workshops, opportunities for peer networking and sharing, and PM-based community and educational outreach activities.
  • To act as a regional PMI component, within the Silicon Valley (southern region of San Francisco Bay, CA, USA); as a local educational resource and network for project management leadership and information.

Section 2.  Limitations of PMI-SV

  • General Limitations. The purposes and activities of PMI-SV shall be subject to limitations set forth in the charter agreement, these Bylaws, and conducted consistently with PMI-SV’s Articles of Incorporation.
  • The membership database and listings provided by PMI to PMI-SV may not be used for commercial purposes and may be used only for nonprofit purposes directly related to the business of PMI-SV, consistent with PMI policies and all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to those law and regulations pertaining to privacy and use of personal information.
  • The officers of PMI-SV shall be solely accountable for the planning and operations of the organization, and shall perform their duties in accordance with the organization’s governing documents; its Charter Agreement, Bylaws, policies, practices, and processes; PMI’s Bylaws, policies, practices, procedures, and rules; and applicable laws.

 Article IV – PMI-SV Membership

Section 1. General Membership Provisions

  • Membership in PMI-SV requires membership in PMI. PMI-SV shall not accept as members any individuals who have not been accepted as PMI Membership in this organization is voluntary and shall be open to any eligible person interested in furthering the purposes of the organization. Membership shall be open to all eligible persons without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex, marital status, national origin, religion, or physical or mental disability.
  • Members shall be governed by and abide by the PMI Bylaws and by the PMI-SV Bylaws, all policies, practices, processes, procedures, rules and directives lawfully made thereunder, including but not limited to the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
  • All members shall pay the required PMI and PMI-SV membership dues to PMI and in the event that a member resigns or their membership is revoked for just cause, membership dues shall not be refunded by PMI or PMI-SV.
  • Membership in PMI-SV shall terminate upon the member’s resignation, failure to pay dues or expulsion from membership for just cause.
  • Members who fail to pay the required dues when due shall be delinquent for a period of one (1) month and their names removed from the official membership list of PMI-SV. A delinquent member may be reinstated by payment in full of all unpaid dues for PMI and PMI-SV to PMI within such one-month delinquent period.
  • Upon termination of membership in PMI-SV, the member shall forfeit any and all rights and privileges of membership.
  • All PMI-SV members have the right to vote in the organization’s election of its Board of Directors members, for bylaws amendments, and any other business presented by the Board of Directors.
  • All and only PMI-SV members have the right to hold an elected or appointed officer ; given they meet the qualification requirements for that position; as established in either these PMI-SV Bylaws and/or in PMI-SV Policies.

Section 2.  Classes and Categories of Members: PMI-SV shall not create its own membership categories.  PMI-SV membership categories shall be consistent with PMI membership categories.

Article V – PMI-SV Board of Directors

Section 1.  PMI-SV shall be governed by a Board of Directors.  The Board shall be primarily responsible for carrying out the purposes and objectives of the nonprofit corporation, as fiduciaries to the PMI-SV membership.

Section 2.  The Board shall consist of five (5) elected officers.

The Board shall consist of all officers elected and appointed, listed in Sections 3 thru 7, below.

Section 3. President (Elected)

  • Role: Provides overall management and leadership of PMI-SV; leadership of its Board of Directors, and oversight of all PMI-SV operations.
  • Office Terms:
    • 1-year elected term; running from January 1 thru December 31.
    • Limit:1 term.
    • Shall be the chief executive officer for the PMI-SV and of the Board, and shall perform such duties as are customary for presiding officers, including making all required appointments with the approval of the Board.
    • Shall also serve as a member ex-officio with the right to participate and vote on all committees except the Nominating Committee

Section 4.  Vice President – Administration (Elected)

  • Role: Keeper of all official and permanent records (except financial) necessary for PMI-SV’s ongoing operations and regulatory affairs.
  • Office Terms:
    • 1-year elected term; running from January 1 thru December 31.
    • Limit: 2 consecutive terms.
    • Shall keep the records of all business meetings of the PMI-SV and meetings of the Board.

Section 5.  Vice President – Finance (Elected)

  • Role: Management of PMI-SV’s financial affairs, funds, and all official and permanent financial records.
  • Office Terms:
  • 1-year elected term; running from January 1 thru December 31.
  • Limit: 2 consecutive terms.

shall oversee the management of funds for duly authorized purposes of PMI-SV.

Section 6. Vice President – Operations (Elected)

  • Role: Provides leadership and management necessary to ensure delivery of member benefits and services.
  • Office Terms:
    • 1-year elected term; running from January 1 thru December 31.
    • Limit: 2 consecutive terms.

Section 7. Vice President – Strategy

  • Role: Ensure continuity and sustainability of operations and overall transition of activities across PMI-SV board members between two calendar years.
  • Office Terms:
  • 1-year term running from July 1 thru June 30.
  • Limit: 2 consecutive terms.
  • Must be a past board member in the last 7 years

Section 8.  Policies, Practices and Processes

The Board shall exercise all powers of PMI-SV, except as specifically prohibited by these Bylaws, the PMI Bylaws and policies, its charter with PMI, and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the organization is incorporated.  The Board shall be authorized to adopt and publish such policies, practices, and processes as may be necessary, consistent with these Bylaws and PMI Bylaws and policies, to exercise authority over all PMI-SV business and funds.

  • All policies, practices, and processes adopted by the Board shall remain in effect until repealed or replaced by official action of a seated Board, unless it contains a stated expiration date.

Section 9.  Board Meetings

  • The Board shall meet at the call of the President, or at the written request of two (2) members of the Board. A quorum shall consist of no less than one-half (1/2) of the Board membership, at that time. Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote and may take part and vote in person only. At its discretion, the Board may conduct its business by an in-person meeting, teleconference, audio/video conference or other legally acceptable means, in which all members are able to actively engage in discussion and voting in real-time, whereby:
    • Each member can communicate concurrently with all other members.
    • Each member has the capacity to propose or object to a specific action.
    • The Board has a means of verifying that each participant is an officer or other person entitled to participate and all actions are taken only by officers.
  • Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedures of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 10.  The Board of Directors shall declare an officer position to be vacant when an officer:

  • Ceases to be a member in good standing of PMI or of PMI-SV due to non-payment of dues.
  • When an officer tenders their resignation. An officer may resign by submitting written notice to the President or Vice President - Administration. Unless another time is specified in the notice or determined by the Board, the resignation shall be effective upon receipt of the notice, by the Board.
  • If a Board lacks a full complement of Officers, the Board shall declare the respective position(s) vacant.


Section 11. Removal of an Officer from Board of Directors

An officer may be removed from office for just cause about the affairs of the organization and said position declared vacant; upon proper investigation and documentation, by either the President or Vice President – Strategy ,or a majority (51%) vote of the Board, with Board member in question abstaining from the vote:

  • For any material breach of the organization’s bylaws, any policies, and any practices lawfully made thereunder, or the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
  • For failure to fulfill the responsibilities and duties of the office.
  • For unexcused failure to attend two (2) Board meetings over a period if six (6) months

Section 12.  Filling Board Officer Vacancies

  • If any officer position becomes vacant, the Board may appoint a successor to fill the office for the unexpired portion of the term for the vacant position.
  • In the event the President is unable or unwilling to complete the current term of office, the Vice President - Administration shall assume the duties and office of the presiding officer for the remainder of the term; if the Vice President – Administration is unable or unwilling to fill the position, the Vice President – Strategy shall assume the duties and office of the President.
  • The Board may also call for a special election of PMI-SV’s membership to fill a vacant position.

Section 13. Limitation on Holding Office

Individuals are limited from holding not more than five (5) consecutive elected terms (years) on the Board, regardless of positions held including VP of Strategy.

Article VI – PMI-SV Nominations, Appointments and Elections

Section 1.  The nomination and election of Board officers shall be conducted annually in accordance with the requirements contained in these Bylaws, including Article IV, Section 1 and Article V, Section 2 and this Article VI.  All members in good standing of PMI-SV shall have the right to vote in the election.  Discrimination in election and nomination procedures based on race, color, creed, gender, age, marital status, national origin, religion, physical or mental disability, or unlawful purpose is prohibited. The use of proxies is prohibited.

Section 2.  Board candidates who are elected shall take office on the first day of January following their election, and shall hold office for the duration of their terms or until their successors have been elected and qualified.

Section 3.  The Vice President – Strategy shall chair and select the Board of Directors Nominating Committee members. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate containing nominees for each Board position and shall determine along with the current non-candidate board members the eligibility including active volunteer status and willingness of each nominee to stand for election.  Candidates for Board positions may also be nominated by petition process established by the Nominating Committee.

Section 4. Board elections shall be conducted (a) during the annual meeting of the membership; or (b) by mail ballot to all members in good standing; or (c) by electronic ballot to all members in good standing, in compliance with the legal jurisdiction.

Section 5. The Board candidate who receives a majority of votes cast for each office shall be elected; a tie vote shall be resolved by a majority (51%) vote by the Board. Ballots shall be counted by the Nominating Committee or by tellers designated by the Board.

Section 6. In accordance with PMI policies, practices, and processes, no funds or resources of PMI or PMI-SV may be used to support the election of any candidate or group of candidates for PMI, PMI-SV or public office.  No other type of organized electioneering, communications, fund-raising or other organized activity on behalf of a candidate shall be permitted.  The PMI-SV Nominating Committee, or other applicable body designated by PMI-SV, will be the sole distributor(s) of all election materials for PMI-SV elected positions.

Section 7. The Board of Directors shall appoint members to serve as volunteer staff and committee members, as needed, from the PMI-SV membership, only. These individuals serve at the pleasure of the Board, for undefined terms. Removal from appointed volunteer staff and committee positions may be done by the Board without cause.

Article VII PMI-SV Committees

Section 1.  The Board may authorize the establishment of standing or temporary committees to advance the purposes of the organization.  The Board shall establish a charter for each committee, which defines its purpose, authority, limitations and outcomes.  Committees are responsible to the Board.  Committee members shall be appointed from the membership of the organization. The PMI-SV officers can serve on the PMI-SV Committees, unless it specifically is restricted by the Bylaws.

Section 2.  All committee members and a chairperson for each committee shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board.

Article VIII - PMI-SV Finance

Section 1.  The fiscal year of PMI-SV shall be from 1 January to 31 December.

Section 2.  The PMI-SV annual membership dues shall be set by the PMI-SV Board and communicated to PMI in accordance with policies and procedures established by PMI.

Section 3.  The PMI-SV Board shall establish policies, practices and processes to govern the management of its finances and shall submit required tax filings to appropriate government authorities.

Section 4.  All membership dues billings, dues collections and dues disbursements to PMI-SV shall be performed by PMI.

Article IX – Meetings of the Membership

Section 1.  An annual meeting of the membership shall be held at a date and location to be determined by the Board.  Notice of all annual meetings shall be sent by the Board to all members at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.  Action at such meetings shall be limited to those agenda items contained in the notice of the meeting.

Section 2.  Special meetings of the membership may be called by the President; by a majority (51%) of the Board; or by petition of ten percent (10%) of the voting membership directed to the President. Notice of all special meetings shall be sent by the Board to membership a reasonable amount of time in advance of the meeting to allow membership the opportunity to participate in such special meetings.  The notice should indicate the time and place of the meeting and include the proposed agenda.  Action at such meetings shall be limited to those agenda items contained in the notice of the meeting.

Section 3.  The quorum for all annual and special PMI-SV meetings shall be those PMI-SV members in good standing, present and in-person, or constituting at least one percent (1%) of the voting membership. Use of proxies is prohibited.


Section 4.  All meetings shall be conducted according to parliamentary procedures determined by Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article X - Inurement and Conflict of Interest

Section 1.  No member of PMI-SV shall receive any pecuniary gain, benefit or profit, incidental or otherwise, from the activities, financial accounts and resources of PMI-SV, except as otherwise provided in these bylaws.

Section 2. No officer, director, appointed committee member or authorized representative of PMI-SV shall receive any compensation or other tangible or financial benefit for service on the Board or directly related to the execution of duties and responsibilities.  

  • Exception: The Board may authorize payment by PMI-SV of actual and reasonable expenses incurred by an officer, director, committee member or authorized representative regarding attendance at Board meetings and other such Board approved activities.

Section 3. PMI-SV may engage in contracts or transactions with members, appointed committee members or authorized representatives of PMI-SV and any corporation, partnership, association or other organization in which one or more of PMI-SV’s appointed committee members, volunteer staff or authorized representatives are: directors or officers, have a financial interest in, or are employed by the other organization, provided the following conditions are met:

The facts regarding the relationship or interest as they relate to the contract or transaction are disclosed to the Board of Directors prior to commencement of any such contract or transaction;

  • The Board in good faith authorizes the contract or transaction by a majority (51%) vote of the officers who do not have any interest in the transaction or contract;
  • The contract or transaction is fair to PMI-SV and complies with the laws and regulations of the applicable jurisdiction in which PMI-SV is incorporated or registered at the time the contract or transaction is authorized, approved or ratified by the Board of Directors.
  • The member indicated above is not a Board Member or appointed Director who is managing/overseeing the PMI-SV related Program/Service/Activity.
  • The member indicated above is not related to any Board Member of PMI-SV by blood, marriage, domestic partnership or business partnership.

Section 4.  All officers, directors, appointed committee members, appointed staff and authorized representatives of PMI-SV shall act in an independent manner consistent with their obligations to PMI-SV and applicable law, regardless of any other affiliations, memberships, or positions.

Section 5. All officers, directors, appointed committee members, appointed staff and authorized representatives shall disclose any interest or affiliation they may have with any entity or individual with which PMI-SV has entered, or may enter, into contracts, agreements or any other business transaction, and shall refrain from voting on, or influencing the consideration of, such matters.

Article XI – Indemnifications

Section 1.  In the event that any person who is or was an officer, director, committee member, or authorized representative of PMI-SV, acting in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed to be in the best interests of PMI-SV, has been made party, or is threatened to be made a party, to any civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative action or proceeding (other than an action or proceeding by or in the right of the corporation), such representative may be indemnified against reasonable expenses and liabilities, including attorney fees, actually and reasonably incurred, judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement in connection with such action or proceeding to the fullest extent permitted by the jurisdiction in which the organization is incorporated.  Where the representative has been successful in defending the action, indemnification is mandatory.

Section 2.  Unless ordered by a court, discretionary indemnification of any representative shall be approved and granted only when consistent with the requirements of applicable law, and upon a determination that indemnification of the representative is proper in the circumstances because the representative has met the applicable standard of conduct required by law and in these bylaws.

Section 3.  To the extent permitted by applicable law, PMI-SV may purchase and maintain liability insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a director, officer, employee, trustee, agent or authorized representative of PMI-SV, or is or was serving at the request of PMI-SV as a director, officer, employee, trustee, agent or representative of another corporation, domestic or foreign, non-profit or for-profit, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise.

Article XII – Amendments

Section 1.  These bylaws may be amended by a minimum two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the voting membership in good standing voting by electronic ballot; or by a minimum two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of membership present and voting at an annual meeting of PMI-SV duly called and regularly held; or by a minimum two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the voting membership in good standing voting by mail or electronic ballot returned within thirty (30) days of the date by which members can reasonably be presumed to have received the ballot.  Written notice of proposed changes shall be sent (email or postal) to the membership at least fifteen (30) days before such meeting or vote.

Section 2.  Amendments may be proposed by the Board on its own initiative, or upon petition by ten percent (10%) of the voting members in good standing addressed to the Board.  All such proposed amendments shall be presented by the Board with or without recommendation.

Section 3.  All amendments must be consistent with the PMI Bylaws and the policies, procedures, rules and directives established by the PMI Board of Directors, as well as with PMI-SV’s Charter with PMI.

Article XIII – Dissolution

Section 1.  If PMI-SV or its governing officers failed to act according to these bylaws, its policies or all PMI policies, procedures, and rules outlined in the charter agreement, PMI has a right to revoke the PMI-SV Charter and require it to seek dissolution. 

Section 2.  In the event PMI-SV failed to deliver value to its members as outlined in PMI-SV’s business plan and without mitigated circumstances, PMI-SV acknowledges that PMI has a right to revoke the PMI-SV Charter and require it to seek dissolution. 

Section 3.  In the event PMI-SV is considering dissolving, PMI-SV’s Board of Directors must notify PMI in writing and follow the Chapter dissolution procedure as defined in PMI’s policy.

Section 4.  Should PMI-SV dissolve for any reason, its assets shall be dispersed in accordance to the dissolution plan or, lacking thereof, to a charitable/nonprofit organization, approved by the voting membership, after the payment of just, reasonable and supported debts, consistent with applicable legal requirements.

Section 5.  Unless superseded by law, dissolution of the PMI-SV entity must be approved by a majority of the members voting on the motion to dissolve.

Benefits of Membership

PMI-Silicon Valley (PMI-SV) is a member-based and member-run professional association of practicing project and program managers; operating around the southern end of the San Francisco Bay, since 1997. We provide practitioner-based educational seminars and workshops, opportunities for peer networking and sharing, and PM-based community outreach activities. The Silicon Valley Chapter is a regional component of Project Management Institute (PMI); a resource for all aspects of project management leadership and information.

We provide our members with an average of 18 career building events per month. These encompass a broad range of PM-based content, delivery formats, and geographically dispersed locations. Read More...

The chapter’s mission is to support the interest and needs of its members by providing the leadership and forums for expanding and sharing of project management knowledge, skills and experience.


From the President’s Desk – PMISV Q2 Newsletter


My dear fellow Chapter Members,

I’m back, with key happenings in your chapter for the period April - May, 2019


Key Activities and Achievements – April - June 2019

  1. New and cool - Chris Myers and Ursa Tang led the planning and delivering of the new and improved PMISV website, which was long overdue! This is the start of many exciting changes at the chapter's official website, more new features to follow.
  2. Enthusiastic participation at two Community Outreach events -
    1. Second Harvest Food Sort on April 20, 2019
    2. County Park in San Jose on June 15, 2019  -  For both events, kudos to PMISV Community outreach team led by Brenda Eberle
  3. PMISV Operations team (Sagar and team) implemented brand new Chapter Volunteer Discount program which recognizes and rewards our dedicated volunteers.
  4. Thanks to Terrie Mui’s initiative, PMISV played leadership role in Santa Clara County PMO Summit on June 3, 2019 .
  5. Here is a quote from the County stakeholder - Your efforts on behalf of the County of Santa Clara were absolutely incredible and set the tone for a day of truly engaging work and dialogue. You guys ROCK!!!
    “I spoke with nearly everyone in the room at the end of the day today and each of them was energized, enthusiastic, and super keen on the path forward toward maturing their own and our collective maturity. I owe you all a most sincere debt of gratitude for helping establish an exceptionally positive working tone that was admirably maintained throughout the day. I am truly appreciative. “
  6. Q2 Volunteers update event on June 8th was attended by 25+ volunteer leaders and 3 new members. Ben Buck was our Guest speaker for the event with engaging talk on Design Thinking.
  7. Congratulations to following volunteer leaders for completing this year’s PMISV Leadership Development ProgramMandar Kulkarni, Eugene Chen, Joy Santos. Big Thank you to Sonja Koppensteiner and Elaine Law for leading this year’s program.
  8. Last but not the least – Congratulations to PMISV board, volunteers and members for being nominated for Chapter of the Year award !!

Here is message from PMI:

“Congratulations! PMI Silicon Valley has been nominated for the Chapter of the Year Award - This means that you are doing a great job! As a pre-qualified candidate, you are in the top 50% for member retention and member satisfaction.”


Highlights - Continued High Quality Execution

  1. PMISV outreach initiatives for Student and Military continues to gain traction under the leadership of Bhanu and Sagar. For the first time in our history, we made use of Chapter passes provided by PMI.
  2. Membership Retention is at the highest level in last few years at 78% - Kudos to Board members , Volunteer leaders and volunteers for ensuring we provide value to our members .


We heard you!

In this section, I will note action taken by the board on your feedback, so keep sending that great feedback, we are here for you.


  1. Volunteer recognition – Additional discount for our high quality CD workshops on top of being a chapter member, for being a dedicated PMISV volunteer.
  2. New members are now invited to PMISV quarterly volunteer event. If you are a new chapter member and would like to attend this meeting please contact me at


Challenges Ahead

We have many challenges which are handled with all hands on deck approach by your chapter leadership team:

  1. Use of state of the art Marketing tools – Per your feedback, we can do better with Marketing our events and chapter - social media, sponsorship etc
  2. Increase engagement of new members in Chapter activities
  3. We are in need of referrals and leads from you for thought leaders and presenters for our programs. Please reach out to our operations team –
  4. In need of dedicated volunteers and leaders who want to make a difference to the chapter –Thanks to core group of volunteers, we are delivering close to 200 quality event to members – we can provide more value with added strength in number of core volunteers. If you are passionate about giving back to profession and community, look no further than PMI Silicon Valley – Become a Volunteer


Board News

I take this opportunity to thank Terrie Mui for VP Strategy for last 2 years. As many of you aware, Terrie took on this newly defined role in 2017. Speaking from my personal experience, her presence and contributions on the board ensured we continue to deliver high value to our members. While we will miss her on the board, look forward to seeing her in advisory role in future.

Terrie’s role in the board will be taken by another familiar face who has been as relentless , that is our past president Bhanu Viswanadha . This change will be effective July 1,2019.


Block your Calendar for PMISV Events

Sat July 20, 21 & 27, 2019

PMI ACP Boot Camp -

==>You can register to any of our quality events here.


I hope to see you at a Chapter event soon! Volunteer with Passion. Happy Volunteering!!!

Ajay Navaratna PMP, CSM

President's Newsletter - November 2018

Fellow Chapter Members,

Warm welcome to the new members, volunteer leaders and greetings to all PMISV Chapter members.

November Highlights

1.   Elections for 2019 BoD completed

2.   Congratulations to the newly elected

·        Ajay Navaratna – President

·        Thiru Varadadesigan – VP Finance

·        Vidyasagar Amancherla – VP Operations

3.   PMISV September volunteer appreciation event made it to the PMI Friday Facts for 11/16/18

4.   As part of our outreach program, I delivered a talk at Cogswell college on ‘PM Skills for Digital Age’

5.   Hosted a workshop on SAFe and DevOps for the chapter volunteer leaders

6.   We held our Q4 volunteer leadership forum

7.   PDU reporting communication for the Annual Symposium sent to all the participants

8.   Hosted lunch for the Symposium volunteer leaders

9.   Renewed focus to improve Chapter Marketing

We are constantly looking for fresh graduates / students join the Chapter Next Gen Leadership program. If you have ideas or would like to part of the Next Gen Leadership Program please contact me at

Please encourage veterans and active-duty personnel in your network to take advantage of the opportunity to register for the Chapter evening events at no cost. To make this more effective, we are looking for a Veteran to lead this opportunity. Please drop an email to

We continue to see improved attendance at our Chapter events in 2018. Thank You for all the volunteers who are constantly striving hard to put up events that provide value to our members and Project Management community in the Bay Area.

I encourage all Chapter Members who wish to be a Chapter Leader to apply to enroll in the Leadership program and take advantage of the resources. If you are interested, please send an email to

I encourage all Chapter Active Volunteers to actively consider the leadership opportunity of serving on our Board of Directors. If you are interested please feel free to reach out to me at

I would also like to take this opportunity to request you to join us at our Chapter Events and encourage your Project Management friends to join the Chapter and volunteer.

We are constantly looking for new volunteer leaders and encourage you to submit your application under the “Get Involved” tab on our website’s home page, once you’ve logged in. 

I hope to see you at a Chapter event soon! Volunteer with Passion. Happy Volunteering!


Bhanu M Viswanadha PMP, PMI-ACP, CSM, SASM

President PMI Silicon Valley Chapter

Useful links:

Chapter website

Chapter Events calendar

Become a Volunteer


PMI Silicon Valley Chapter | 3141 Stevens Creek Blvd., #181, San Jose, CA 95117


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President's Newsletter - October 2018

Fellow Chapter Members,

Warm welcome to the new members, volunteer leaders and greetings to all PMISV Chapter members. 

October is a special month for the Chapter. We have successfully held our Annual Symposium. What an event!!! Excellent Keynote speakers, truly informative sessions and on Day 2 we have successfully pulled off ‘Open Space’ session under the guidance of Ainsley Niles. We received excellent feedback from the first timers as well as repeat participants. I take this opportunity to offer sincere Appreciation to the Symposium Team. 

This month the Board of Directors and few selected volunteer leaders attended the PMI NA LIM. I encourage you to visit to get very valuable insights into how the PM role is changing. 

Active Volunteer Leaders : Save the date for Active Volunteer Leaders workshop on SAFe, Saturday Nov 3, 2018. This event will offer 6 PDUs. 

We are pleased to inform you that the Chapter will be offering the first PgMP boot camp for PgMP certification in the month of December. Please visit for details. 

The Chapter of Board of Directors encourage all Chapter member to vote for the 2019 Board of Directors. You will receive your ballot the week of November 12 

We are constantly looking for fresh graduates / students join the Chapter Next Gen Leadership program. If you have ideas or would like to part of the Next Gen Leadership Program please contact me at

Please encourage veterans and active-duty personnel in your network to take advantage of the opportunity to register for the Chapter evening events at no cost. To make this more effective, we are looking for a Veteran to lead this opportunity. Please drop an email to

We continue to see improved attendance at our Chapter events in 2018. Thank You for all the volunteers who are constantly striving hard to put up events that provide value to our members and Project Management community in the Bay Area. 

I encourage all Chapter Members who wish to be a Chapter Leader to apply to enroll in the Leadership program and take advantage of the resources. If you are interested, please send an email to

I encourage all Chapter Active Volunteers to actively consider the leadership opportunity of serving on our Board of Directors. If you are interested please feel free to reach out to me at

I would also like to take this opportunity to request you to join us at our Chapter Events and encourage your Project Management friends to join the Chapter and volunteer.

We are constantly looking for new volunteer leaders and encourage you to submit your application under the “Get Involved” tab on our website’s home page, once you’ve logged in. 

I hope to see you at a Chapter event soon! Volunteer with Passion. Happy Volunteering!


Bhanu M Viswanadha PMP, PMI-ACP, CSM, SASM

President PMI Silicon Valley Chapter

Useful links: 

Chapter website

Chapter Events calendar

Become a Volunteer