Managing Uncertainty in Modern Projects:

Risks in Your Project Are Closer than They Appear

October 3-4

Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA

Call for Presentations
 ended on July 11, 2016

pmisv_logoThe PMI Silicon Valley Chapter is pleased to announce its 2016 Annual Symposium for October 3-4 in in the heart of Silicon Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Are you an seasoned Project or Program Manager with experience with project risks (and the scars to show for it)? Would you like to share your knowledge with like-minded professionals and participate in an event where you will learn from others who have faced similar challenges?

We would love to have you as a session speaker at the upcoming 2016 PMI Silicon Valley Annual Symposium, held at Santa Clara, California, Conventions Center. This year's theme is: Managing Uncertainty in Modern Projects. Follow developing details on

We are now inviting submissions from speakers who wish to participate in this year's event. The program will include approximately twenty presentations in two tracks. Presentations will be scheduled for 55-minute time slots, total, including time at the end for questions.

Proposed topics must be aligned with the symposium theme of "Managing Uncertainty in Modern Projects" and should be compelling to the attendees. Presentations should be practical and applicable to individuals and organizations. Interpretation of this theme is welcome, and presenters from any industry, discipline, or project environment are encouraged. Possible topic categories include:

  • Skills and techniques – What specific ideas have you successfully applied for managing risk in your projects and programs? What tips and practical advice do you have in areas such as: Finding and anticipating significant risks, communicating risk information to stakeholders, customers and sponsors, assessing and managing risks, and other aspects of project risk management.
  • Case studies – What have you seen go awry in your projects? What did you do to deal with potential problems? 
  • Methodology – What benefits have you realized in adopting effective risk management techniques and tools? What methods and processes have you found work best in your environment?
  • Success Stories or valuable lesson learned – What have you learned from completing recent risky projects or programs? What “war stories” can you share to help others in avoiding difficulties you have encountered?


Preference will be given to presentations that:

    • Reflect current best practices in Program and Project management
    • Illustrate effective, evolving project management techniques or developments
    • Provide practical value for our audience comprised largely of seasoned project leaders of the Silicon Valley industries here in the San Francisco Bay Area
    • Have not previously been done at other conferences
Speaker Credentials
Speaker selection will also be based on proven presentation skills and good project management credentials, reputation, and credibility; plus, the presentation’s compelling message, based on your submittal.

Preference is given to speakers with extensive project risk management experience. Case studies are very desirable.

Your Submission
If you wish to propose a presentation for consideration, please provide the following information:
  1. Presenter details
    Your name, organization, job title, contact details (email, telephone, mailing address), and a short (100 word) biography.
  2. Presentation abstract
    A short (100 word) description of your main message
  3. Presentation details
    A detailed (1000 words or less) summary or outline of your proposed presentation
  4. Learning outcomes
    Three to five bullet points detailing the main learning points from your presentation. (Following this presentation, attendees will: …)

Failure to provide complete information, above, will result in an inquiry for the missing. A second failure to provide the missing information by July 11, will result in the submittal being disqualified.

Please provide your submission information in MS Word, and submit it as an attachment by email to

The closing date for submissions is July 11, 2016.

Selections will be made by July 29. All submitters will be contacted. If selected, final presentations will be due on September 9, 2016.

Speaker Participant Benefits
Accepted presenters will receive one complimentary symposium registration, including access to all conference presentations and keynotes, refreshments, and meals provided during the conference, and entry into all other scheduled conference activities. (Note: Presenters will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements, if any.)

All presentations will be made available in PDF format to all attendees, with abstracts summarizing each presentation printed in the symposium program. If your material is confidential or intellectual property you are not willing to publicly publish, identify this in your submittal.

Individuals (not organizations) can be provided exhibit space to display their educational material (books, tapes, etc.) upon request.

For Further Details on this Call for Presentations
If you have any queries or need any further details, please contact us at
Sponsorship Inquiries
If your organization is interested in becoming a Sponsor for this event, please contact the Sponsorship Office at
Registration Inquiries
If you are interested in attending this event, please visit the PMI-SV web site ( Early bird registration will open soon, and as we get closer to the event you will find additional information linked from the home page “Highlights” section and in the “Events Calendar”.