
Sunday. 05 December, 2021 - Saturday. 11 December, 2021
Wednesday. 08 December, 2021
7:30 am

PMO Round Table Breakfast Meeting - December 2021

Virtual Event

When:  08 December 2021, 7:30 am-9:00 am

Where:  Virtual Meeting (Registrants will receive joining details from Meeting Leader) 

The Chapter holds a Breakfast Round Table focused upon the PMO Practice and Operations once a month. This round table group provides a general forum to discuss various issues, problems, and challenges related to organizing, operating and managing a PMO within any organization. The format is open, with round-robin topics decided by the attendees each month.

If you are, or have been, involved in any of the following activities, this round table will be for you.

5:00 pm

New Member Orientation Dec 2021

Virtual Event

PMI Silicon Valley Chapter invites its new members to networking and an opportunity to learn about chapter activities and benefits from the leadership team.

6:00 pm

PM Insight Sunnyvale Virtual Meeting - Executing AI/ML: A Practitioner’s guide to Analytics Initiatives

Virtual Event

It is traditional that our Chapter will hold a short Annual Business Meeting at the beginning of the December event. Please note that the first 15 minutes of this webinar is dedicated to our Chapter President to present our 2021 annual business report and announcements.
Our Insight event speaker, Sai Subramanian, will start his webinar in the same Zoom meeting session immediately following the Annual Meeting.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is delivering new insights − previously hidden in vast pools of data − to add intelligence to many products and services that ultimately transform the way organizations and machines interact. AI can improve the productivity of internal applications, increase revenue, reduce costs, and improve products and services with added functionality or communication modes. With such a wide-ranging application, enterprises also are struggling to understand what this means to them, how to go about identifying the key areas of benefits, and the modus operandi of going about it technically and culturally. One key to success lies in deciding what problems to solve and identifying a narrowly defined problem that is widely acknowledged within the organization as a pain point. The project should be practical, with adequate funding and access to data. From here on identifying the right tools, talent and methodology can set you on the right path. Also, Data analytics initiatives usually lead to significant changes in the organization’s procedures and culture. Acknowledging and accommodating for this early is imperative. All this, though, does not have to be overwhelming and daunting for the execution leader. This can be broken down into simple to steps to approach, assess, align and achieve.

Thursday. 09 December, 2021
6:30 pm
Friday. 10 December, 2021
7:30 am

PM Breakfast Meeting - San Jose - Dec 2021

Virtual Event

When:  10 December 2021  7:30 am-9:00 am

Where:  Virtual Meeting (Registrants will receive joining details from Meeting Leader) 

This is a facilitated round table discussion on agenda topics solicited from the attendees during introductions. The intent of the meeting is to promote an informal gathering of project managers to discuss current topics in the profession, receive suggestions from the other attendees on current project challenges, or share/receive information on items of interest.

These meetings are open to anyone who is interested. The only cost is what you order form the menu, separate checks.