Why should you attend this Symposium?



CountHere are 5 reasons you should attend this Symposium:

1. A chance to be amazed by BIG projects!

2. No two sessions are alike, so lots of learning opportunities.

3. Meet new people and expand your network.

4. Self-develop your knowledge on mega project.

5. PDUs, PDUs, PDUs! Earn PDUs for PMP certification renewal.


Attending a professional event is one of the most effective methods to pick up new knowledge without trying too hard. Freeing your mind from the daily work encourages focused learning through active listening. Some attendees are inspired after hearing how others do similar work differently. If you have yet to work on a mega project / program, this is the best place to pick up knowledge from those who had tried and succeeded them. You never know when will be your turn to handle the biggest project you have faced in your career.


For new project/program managers or those who are veterans in the same business and industry, this Symposium provides a professional & friendly environment to expand your connections. Many repeated attendees have formed lasting professional connections through past PMISV Symposiums.


GObutton3 Reasons attending the Symposium will benefit your team & Company:

1. Catch free advice and tips from industry professionals.

2. Gain best practices and lesson learned used in other companies to improve your own team.

3. Expose company name and reputation to attract best talents in the Silicon Valley.

When a pool of like-minded professionals are gathering in a neutral environment, abundant of advices and best practices are usually shared. Teams and individual gain additional problem-solving skills and best practices used in similar industries, bringing in higher efficiency to companies of all sizes.


When you socialize at the Symposium, your company’s name and business aspects is exchanged amongst a concentrated community of project/program managers. This builds your company’s reputation and connections for potential recruitment for the best talents in the SF Bay Area.


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