
From the President's Desk – March 2015

A Monthly Newsletter to Chapter Members

Bhanu Viswanatha, PMP®

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Dear Member,

I would like to start my first newsletter as the President of the Silicon Valley Chapter with a sincere thank you from the 2015 Board Members to the 2014 Board Members and active volunteer leaders for your outstanding services rendered throughout the year. The 2015 Board is committed to keeping this chapter the #1 chapter in PMI Region 7 and bringing greater visibility to our chapter at the global level. We plan to bring events on current topics that are of great benefit to members and to give back to the member initiative. Some of the focus areas

  • Programs to cater for current trends in the valley
  • More volunteer events for greater networking opportunities
  • Member only networking event
  • Recognize Volunteer of the Month. I would encourage you share the topics of interest with me to plan for the events.

Chapter Service


Meanwhile, I encourage interested members to take the next step forward by becoming active volunteer leaders. The steps to do so are as follows:

  1. Login to
  2. Submit the volunteer application
  3. Participate in the New Volunteer Orientation WebEx call on the first Monday of the Month (7pm PST).
  4. Review the open positions and let me know which position is of interest to you.


Knowledge share

I take this opportunity to share with you the information which helped me enhance my skills in the use of Microsoft Project 2013.

 What’s new in 2013

 Master project and Sub projects

 Managing critical path

 How scheduling works

 MSP 2013 Overview (YouTube video)


Guest contribution

I am also happy to share with you a brief write up by Kimi Hirotsu Ziemski on “Why Training Doesn’t Work”

There is a point where reasonable adults will tell you that training doesn’t work.  I agree.

Being a facilitator is a great job.  You bring a subject that you care about to people who presumably care about it too – otherwise why would they be there? – Then spend hours or days getting new information, a new perspective, or new tools into the hands of people to use them. You talk with people about real issues and help them learn some ways to address concerns in their workplace.

But often it doesn’t work.  Why?

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You have full plates in all of your roles - professional and personal.  Many of you have found that, as time goes by, you sometimes have a harder time of it changing your habits and your thought processes.

It doesn’t mean you can’t or you don’t.

It does mean that you have to give it a bit more effort to making changes than you used to.

Training doesn’t work because we don’t take it further than the close of the training session – whether it is hours or days long sessions – and follow through.

We try.  We urge our participants to use action plans, accountability partners and follow-up meetings.

In the heat of your to-do lists, the deliverables that are due, the meetings you already have on your schedule, the priority of this new practice slips and then falls to the bottom.

Hold on to the sense of urgency that you had when you first realized that this tool, this new perspective, could help you to make the changes that you want in your organization or your profession.

Changing how you work, on a truly transformational basis, takes time. It is built on incremental steps that, over time, can improve and accelerate your probabilities for success.  But training doesn’t work. 

Not without you.  What can you do to make that investment of your time and energy truly pay off and change your world? And not without training companies who focus on tools that can be confidently used immediately.[/item][/accordion]

About Kimi

Kimi Hirotsu Ziemski, president of Energizing Enterprises.  She has built a reputation for delivering projects, market requirements and revenue on time and within budget.  Her expertise in account management, product and project management resulted in awards year after year during her career.  She has taken her experience in project management and focused on the issues of emotional intelligence, higher level decision-making, communications and conflict resolution. Kimi can be contacted at


Please send your comments, ideas and articles for our Guest Contribution section to

Passion driven volunteering is fun. Happy volunteering!!!


Bhanu Viswanatha, PMP®

President 2015

PMI Silicon Valley Chapter



Membership Stats


Members: 2,294


PMP®: 1,546    
PMI-ACP®: 69    
CAPM®: 15
PGMP®: 6
PMI-SP®: 2

Congratuations to 27 new PMPs!


 Welcome new members.


Thank you to 62 renewing members!